Accueil arrow Evaporators



Small Package Evaporators 

Norwest markets a line of small package evaporators especially designed for the concentration of polluting and corrosive waste (waste water and chemicals). Compact, pre-assembled skid-mounted units available in several configurations :

  • multiple effect
  • mechanical vapour recompression 
  • heat pump

Evaporateur modulaire
Evaporateur modulaire

Evaporateur Modulaire 

Large Evaporators 

Norwest also supplies custom built evaporators for the concentration of food and chemical products as well as waste water treatment (volume reduction and water recovery). 

Evaporateur MVR
Evaporateur MVR

Evaporateur  MVR 

Evaporateur Multiple Effets
Evaporateur Multiple Effets

Evaporateur Multiple effet 

  • Engineering
  • Process know-how

Evaporateur montage
Evaporateur montage

Evaporateur Montage

  • Erection    
  • Start-up
  • Commissioning

Reconfiguration and Extension 

Norwest is often asked in a consulting role to evaluate or improve performance of existing units. 

Evaporateur extension
Evaporateur extension

Evaporateur Extension 

Norwest can also reconfigure or rebuild evaporators using new or used equipment to concentrate new products or increase capacity., Site réalisé par Itané